Discipleship. Leadership. Missions

Flock House Ministries is a registered Non-Profit Company (NPC) Transforming Youth Behavior in Southern Africa through Training and equipping in Intimacy with God and the Priesthood of all believers. Through networks and alliances, Flock House is Recruiting, Training and changing the lives of addicts, the less privileged and Orphans through Residential communal living.


Accelerating the Biblical mission of Christ by the multiplication of disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit.


Promoting personal intimacy with God and the priesthood of all believers by the training of faithful men and women who are able to train others in order to reach the nations for Christ.

Flock House Ministries staff are non-salaried, faith based volunteers, who depend on the financial and material gifts from God's people to meet their personal and ministry needs. The organization also is funded by free will donations from the public. Gifts and donations are used as designated. Financial statements are made available for user groups during the Ministries accounting month of February each year.

Our Motivation

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" - Matthew 28:19-20


Flock House Institute

We train Faithful Men and Women who are able to Train Others also. (2Tim.2:2) The Trainees are from various cross-cultural and social backgrounds aspiring for Positive Change. The goal is to correct habits and abuses that have ruined their lives and ambitions. Some are Orphans who have found a new loving family. Others from self hurts as a result of peer pressure. A few others from a personal hunger for intimacy with God and service in His Kingdom.

We live together communally for initial 3 months of daily worship, Quiet Time with God's word, teachings, fasting and praying, cooking and eating, sports and community duties. Individual assessments in over 35 areas of character transformation is conducted to determine levels of positive progress at the end of the process. Their reintegration into the society starts when those assessed to have passed are enrolled under accountability into the same programs as apprentices to help the newly admitted.

Fasting & Prayer

We believes that ‘men ought always to pray and not to faint’ Luke 18:1 Continuous prayers and fasting for friends and partners, the Nations and harvest among unreached and or least evangelized people Groups; Flock House Teams and operations are made daily. Our corporate fasting and prayer day is every Friday of the week. All friends, partners, staff and any interested individuals are encouraged to join in on Friday for fasting and prayer.

Flock House Conference

As part of our mobilization strategy, Flock House Ministries holds annual conferences each December for a period of two weeks. This conferences target Youths and individuals that are unable to attend our discipleship training during the year. In addition to Sound Biblical Teachings from various Leaders in the Body of Christ, Flock House Conference also Features events such as the graduation of students that completed the Flock House Institute 3-month training, new staff commissioning, Christmas dinner, baptisms/communion and a new year crossover service. Flock House Conferences over the years consistently welcome people from all over the world, different Church denominations and racial backgrounds. The Conference focus is the Christ Life

Flock House Bible Class

The need for the African Christian is Depth! Flock House Bible Classes address relevant topical issues to equip younger Christians and Maturing Believers with the right Christian Doctrine and behavior. The teaching environment intentionally allows contributions, questions and answers at the end of each teaching session to promote interactive participation by the attendees.

These studies are hosted and co-hosted virtually by men and women of God who have walked with God for several years and are intentional about preparing the next generations for the Christian task ahead. The studies are once every Saturday evening from 8.00 pm SAT. The studies are open to Christians from all backgrounds. The Holy Bible is the Main reference Book for these studies.

Chapel Service

Students, staff, trainers and visitors gather on Sundays for fellowship, worship and teachings. The chapel services are open to all who would like to attend beginning at 9.00 am to 11.00 am every Sunday at Flock House Training Base.


Flock House Institute is the Training Department of Flock House Ministries, equipping believers in Discipleship, effective Leadership and Cross-Cultural Missions. The Institute recruits, and Trains for Church denominations, organizations and Flock House Ministries. The Trainees are from various cross-cultural and social backgrounds aspiring for Positive Change.

Some of our training objectives are:
- To develop in trainee a Christ-like character both in words and in deeds
- To develop in trainee a life of sound relationship, dependence and
obedience towards the Master Jesus Christ
- To identify and enhance
spiritual gifts in individuals for fruitful ministry.
- To equip believers with the appropriate
skills for cross-cultural missions and teamwork
- To help them
correct habits and abuses that have ruined their lives and ambitions

The training is a 3-month residential training where we all live communally, spend time reflecting on God's word, teachings, fasting and praying, cooking and eating, sports etc. Christian Leaders with a wealth of experience teach on several subjects in Christian Living, Christian Ministry, Biblical Studies and Cross-Cultural Missions. Individual assessments in over 35 areas of character transformation is conducted to determine levels of positive progress at the end of the process.

Their reintegration into the society starts when those assessed to have passed are enrolled under accountability into the same programs as apprentices to help the newly admitted. Acceptance to the training institute is by way of application and interview.

Flock House Ministries pursues and supports the practice of evangelization resulting to the immediate baptism of converts among unreached or least evangelized people groups. The Itinerant evangelism and discipleship section of the ministries deploys missionaries to empower indigenous self-propagating and self-sustaining local churches with emphasis on Christian discipleship as the core of church life. These missionaries preach the gospel to each people group in the context of their cultural experiences and situations. Flock house ministries’ philosophy is rooted in becoming all things for all men so that all may hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

For this reason, our missionaries are trained to navigate difficult circumstances and overcome all types of barriers in order to reach the nations for Christ.

Flock House Ministries networks with kingdom minded Christians to recruit, train and send workers to mobilize the body of Christ to multiply disciples and promote the priesthood of all believers. The goal of Flock House mobilization is to seek more partnerships and networks with Christians, Churches, Organisations, students, professionals etc. Flock house does this through:
- Friends and partners forums
- Youth vacation training (YOVAT)
- Gap Year Programme
DILEMIT (Discipleship, Leadership and Missions Training)

The national headquarters of Flock House Ministries is in Pretoria, South Africa and is responsible for organizing and coordinating the work of various operations of the ministries, ensuring staff welfare, monitoring and evaluating programs and operations.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Heb. 13:2

At Flock House ministries we believe that our guests and visitors should be well taken care of with whatever we have available. It is our delight to welcome angels without knowing it. The hospitality and welfare department sees to the feeding and care of the training institute, guests and visiting missionaries.

Flock House ministries has a growing multi-media department creating and producing a variety of content ranging from discipleship and mobilization materials, booklets, teachings, Personal testimonies and Bible study materials.
To access the books or videos please check our social media platforms or send us an email at flockteam@gmail.com.

Flock House ministries integrates a holistic approach to cross-cultural missions by initiating and institutionalizing important restorative and social justice interventions in key community development issues such as rehabilitation, health care, education, agriculture and food security, relief aid and rural development. The vision is sustained by a passion to reach out to people groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ, using acts of mercy as a channel for transforming and empowering societies.

Flock House works with the mission of a holistic empowerment of the marginalized, poor, less privileged and the disenfranchised towards transformation for God’s kingdom.

Flock House community services comprise of units each defined by its thematic focus:
- Health unit
- Rural development unit
- Relief and rehabilitation unit
- Agriculture unit
- Economic empowerment unit

The motivation of Flock House community development services is to meet the material and physical needs of our surrounding communities while also meeting their spiritual needs (James 1:27).

Flock House Ministries staff are non-salaried, faith-based volunteers, who depend on the financial and material gifts from Gods people to meet their personal and ministry needs. The organization also is funded by free will donations from the public. Gifts and donations are used as designated and financial statements are made available for user groups during the Ministries Accounting Month of February each year.

To give to the ministry:

Name: Flock House Ministries
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Type: Business Account
Account Number: 6288 2671 582
Branch: Pretoria North 100
Branch Code: 251 045

Our Auditors

Flock House Ministries Accounts, Tax and Audits are managed by PCS Accounting-Tax-Advisory, a dynamic Accounting practice with a passion for the best professional Accounting services.

Wellness Office D2, Hartbeespoort, South Africa




School Outreach



Flock Land Development

Community Services

Public Education

International Board

David T. Abam

International Director

Abigail Y. Abam

Training Director

Prof. Njoku O. Ama

Dr. Jerry R. Anze
Vice Chairperson

Arc. Karla Oberholzer

Sunday Zirengey
Board Member

Dr. Jenny Joshua
Board Member

National Directors South Africa

David T. Abam
National Director

Abigail Y. Abam
Director of Training

Amanda Kgokane
Director of Community Development

Peter Shabangu
Director of Human Resource

Dineo Bontse
Director of Mobilisation

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions. We would love to hear from you.


(+27)72-981-6004 / (+27)76-050-6352